- P Loke*, JD Lin*. Redefining inflammatory macrophage phenotypes across stages and tissues by single-cell transcriptomics. Science Immunology, 7(70), April 2022. (Rank: Q1, IF=30.663), *Corresponding Author.
- JD Lin*, P Loke*. Helminth infections and cardiovascular diseases: A role for the microbiota and Møs? Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 110(6), September 2021. (Rank: Q2, IF=6.011, Citations≥2), *Corresponding Author.
- C McElrath, V Espinosa, JD Lin#, J Peng, R Sridhar, O Dutta, HC Tseng, S V Smirnov, H Risman, M J Sandoval, V Davra, YJ Chang, B P Pollack, R B Birge, M Galan, A Rivera, J E Durbin, S V Kotenko. Critical role of interferons in gastrointestinal injury repair. Nature Communication, 12(1), May 2021. (Rank: Q1, IF=17.694, Citations≥25), #3rd Author.
- J C Devlin*, J Axelrad*, A M Hine*, S Chang, S Sarkar, JD Lin#, K V Ruggles, D Hudesman, K Cadwell, P Loke. Single-cell transcriptional survey of ileal-anal pouch immune cells from ulcerative colitis patients. Gastroenterology, 160(5), April 2021. (Rank: Q1, IF=33.883, Citations≥7), *Co-first Author. #4th Author.
- JD Lin, J C Devlin, F Yeung, C McCauley, J M. Leung, YH Chen, A Cronkite, C Hansen, C Drake-Dunn, K V. Ruggles, K Cadwell, A L Graham, P Loke. Rewilding Nod2 and Atg16l1 mutant mice uncover genetic and environmental contributions towards variation in microbial responses and immune cell composition. Cell Host & Microbe, 27(5), May 2020. (Rank: Q1, IF=31.316, Citations≥43)
- F Yeung*, YH Chen*, JD Lin*, J M Leung, C McCauley, J C. Devlin, C Hansen, A Cronkite, Z Stephens, C Drake-Dunn, Y Fulmer, B Shopsin, K V. Ruggles, J L. Round, P Loke, A L Graham, K Cadwell. Altered immunity of laboratory mice in the natural environment is associated with fungal colonization. Cell Host & Microbe, 27(5), May, 2020. (Rank: Q1, IF=31.316, Citations≥74); *Co-first Author.
- JD Lin, H Nishi, J Poles, X Niu, C Mccauley, K Rahman, E J. Brown, S T Yeung, N Vozhilla, A Weinstock, S Ramsey, E A Fisher and P Loke. Single-cell analysis of fate-mapped macrophages reveals heterogeneity, including stem-like properties, during atherosclerosis progression and regression. JCI insight, 4 (4), February, 2019. (Rank: Q1, IF=9.533; Citations≥171) (Top 1% cited in "Clinical Medicine" field)
- U M Gundra, N M Girgis, M A Gonzalez, MS Tang, H J P Van Der Zande, JD Lin, M Ouimet, L J Ma, J Poles, N Vozhilla, E A Fisher, K J Moore, P Loke. Vitamin A mediates conversion of monocyte-derived macrophages into tissue-resident macrophages during alternative activation. Nature Immunology, 18 (6), June 2017. (Rank: Q1, IF=31.250; Citations≥112)
- JD Lin, N Feng, A Sen, M Balan, HC Tseng, C McElrath, S V Smirnov, J Peng, L L Yasukawa, R K. Durbin, J E Durbin, H B Greenberg and S V. Kotenko. Distinct roles of type I and type III interferons in intestinal immunity to homologous and heterologous rotavirus infection. PLoS Pathog., 12 (4), April, 2016. (Rank: Q1, IF=7.464; Citations≥145)