


林建達 助理教授

林建達 助理教授

林建達 (Jian-Da Lin) 助理教授

國立臺灣大學 生命科學院 生化科技學系

  • 實驗室電話 :(O) 3366-3838
  • 辦公室電話 :(O) 3366-4519
  • 辦公室 :農化館 103 室
  • 研究室 :系統免疫暨轉譯醫學 研究室 (農化館 105 室)
  • E-mail :jdlin@ntu.edu.tw
  • 研究專長 :系統免疫學、微生物菌相、精準醫療、動脈硬化、人工智慧機器學習
  • 個人網頁 :https://sites.google.com/view/jdlab/home


  • 美國羅格斯大學 分子病理暨免疫學 博士 2010/09-2016/06
  • 國立成功大學 微生物暨免疫學 碩士 2005/09-2007/06


精準醫療近年來被認為是設計個人化藥物的最佳策略, 因可以實現更高的治愈率並使藥物副作用最小化但找出或設計個人化藥物在很大程度上取決於能識別精確的生物標記或標靶我們實驗室目標在於仿人類疾病的動物模型上, 使用高通量檢測技術收集多組學大數據, 並使用人工智慧機器學習預測腸道微生物或免疫標靶, 最後於動物實驗中驗證預測的標靶是否調控免疫系統與疾病進程.詳細目標如下:


  • (1)引進並建立世界最先進高通量檢測技術來收集動脈粥樣硬化小鼠的免疫細胞和微生物群圖譜(大數據收集)–高參數和高通量分析是必需的技術來收集大數據,而世界最新流式細胞與次世代定序分析技術,光譜式細胞流式細胞分析 (30+螢光)、單細胞RNA定序(Single-cell RNA seq)、CITE定序(CITE-seq)、16S rRNA定序、霰彈槍定序(shotgun seq),則已開發出來測定細胞群體的轉錄分子、蛋白質特徵和腸道菌群群落的圖譜。我們的目標是於動脈粥樣硬化的小鼠中,使用CITE-seq對來自腸道、主動脈和外周血的免疫細胞進行高參數分析確定圖譜,並使用16S rRNA定序與霰彈槍定序確定微生物群圖譜。我們還將使用高參數和高通量光譜式細胞流式細胞分析技術,來剖析免疫細胞標記並同時驗證CITE-seq的轉錄與轉譯組學數據(基因與蛋白)。基於這些大數據結合做為基礎,我們將能夠創建集成的多組學大數據並使用機器學習模型來預測標靶目標。


  • (2)利用人工智慧來預測可控制免疫反應和動脈粥樣硬化進展的標靶基因和腸道微生物(機器學習模型預測)–從大數據收集於不同器官的免疫細胞群落圖譜與腸道微生物群圖譜當中,建立整合多組學大數據的模型是需要的,並且使用機器學習方法,將能定性與定量於健康和疾病進展之間的區別特徵。我們目標在於預測找到可調控免疫反應和動脈粥樣硬化進展的標靶基因與腸道微生物。


  • (3)建立厭氧室系統以分離和體外培養預測的腸道微生物,然後在小鼠動物模型中驗證功能性腸道微生物群(功能驗證)–利用人工智能和機器學習模型,我們可以預測出首要幾種腸道微生物群,於調控免疫反應和動脈粥樣硬化進展的影響。對於預測的腸道微生物物種進行功能性驗證是需要的,且能精確的發現標靶腸道微生物物種。我們的目標是在厭氧室系統中分離和培養預測的腸道微生物,並將腸道微生物群接種到無菌小鼠。透過進一步驗證這些小鼠的炎症反應和動脈粥樣硬化的誘導,我們將能夠確定哪些腸道菌群介導炎症並誘導動脈粥樣硬化的進展。


  • 國立臺灣大學 生化科技學系 助理教授 (2021/02~now)
  • 2020/02-2021/01 Staff Scientist, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S.A.
  • 2016/09-2020/01 Postdoc Fellow, New York University School of Medicine, U.S.A.


  • 2023 AAI Early Career Faculty Travel Grant, The American Association of Immunologists (AAI).
  • 2022 AAI Early Career Faculty Travel Grant, The American Association of Immunologists (AAI).
  • 2020 Einstein Grant (五年期愛因斯坦培植計畫), The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan.
  • 2019 LIFT oversea talent, Leaders in Future Trends (LIFT) program, The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan.
  • 2019 AAI Trainee Abstract Award (Oral Podium Talk), The American Association of Immunologists (AAI).
  • 2018 AAI Trainee Abstract Award (Oral Podium Talk), The American Association of Immunologists (AAI).
  • 2016 Milstein Travel Award, International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS).
  • 2015 Milstein Travel Award (Oral Podium Talk), International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS).
  • 2010-2016 International Full Graduate Scholarship, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences, U.S.A.


  1. P Loke*, JD Lin*. Redefining inflammatory macrophage phenotypes across stages and tissues by single-cell transcriptomics. Science Immunology, 7(70), April 2022. (Rank: Q1, IMMUNOLOGY, IF=30.658, Citations≥5), *Corresponding Author.
  2. JD Lin*, P Loke*. Helminth infections and cardiovascular diseases: A role for the microbiota and Møs? Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 110(6), September 2021. (Rank: Q2, HEMOTOLOGY, IF=6.011, Citations≥4), *Corresponding Author.
  3. C McElrath, V Espinosa, JD Lin#, J Peng, R Sridhar, O Dutta, HC Tseng, S V Smirnov, H Risman, M J Sandoval, V Davra, YJ Chang, B P Pollack, R B Birge, M Galan, A Rivera, J E Durbin, S V Kotenko. Critical role of interferons in gastrointestinal injury repair. Nature Communication, 12(1), May 2021. (Rank: Q1, MULTIDISPLINARY SCIENCES, IF=17.694, Citations≥36), #3rd Author.
  4. J C Devlin*, J Axelrad*, A M Hine*, S Chang, S Sarkar, JD Lin#, K V Ruggles, D Hudesman, K Cadwell, P Loke. Single-cell transcriptional survey of ileal-anal pouch immune cells from ulcerative colitis patients. Gastroenterology, 160(5), April 2021. (Rank: Q1, GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY, IF=33.883, Citations≥19), *Co-first Author. #4th Author.
  5. JD Lin, J C Devlin, F Yeung, C McCauley, J M. Leung, YH Chen, A Cronkite, C Hansen, C Drake-Dunn, K V. Ruggles, K Cadwell, A L Graham, P Loke. Rewilding Nod2 and Atg16l1 mutant mice uncover genetic and environmental contributions towards variation in microbial responses and immune cell composition. Cell Host & Microbe, 27(5), May 2020. (Rank: Q1, MICROBIOLOGY, IF=31.316, Citations≥50)
  6. F Yeung*, YH Chen*, JD Lin*, J M Leung, C McCauley, J C. Devlin, C Hansen, A Cronkite, Z Stephens, C Drake-Dunn, Y Fulmer, B Shopsin, K V. Ruggles, J L. Round, P Loke, A L Graham, K Cadwell. Altered immunity of laboratory mice in the natural environment is associated with fungal colonization. Cell Host & Microbe, 27(5), May, 2020. (Rank: Q1, MICROBIOLOGY, IF=31.316, Citations≥89); *Co-first Author.
  7. JD Lin, H Nishi, J Poles, X Niu, C Mccauley, K Rahman, E J. Brown, S T Yeung, N Vozhilla, A Weinstock, S Ramsey, E A Fisher and P Loke. Single-cell analysis of fate-mapped macrophages reveals heterogeneity, including stem-like properties, during atherosclerosis progression and regression. JCI insight, 4 (4), February, 2019. (Rank: Q1, MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL, IF=9.496; Citations≥218) (Top 1% cited in "Clinical Medicine" field)
  8. U M Gundra, N M Girgis, M A Gonzalez, MS Tang, H J P Van Der Zande, JD Lin, M Ouimet, L J Ma, J Poles, N Vozhilla, E A Fisher, K J Moore, P Loke. Vitamin A mediates conversion of monocyte-derived macrophages into tissue-resident macrophages during alternative activation. Nature Immunology, 18 (6), June 2017. (Rank: Q1, IMMUNOLOGY, IF=31.250; Citations≥129)
  9. JD Lin, N Feng, A Sen, M Balan, HC Tseng, C McElrath, S V Smirnov, J Peng, L L Yasukawa, R K. Durbin, J E Durbin, H B Greenberg and S V. Kotenko. Distinct roles of type I and type III interferons in intestinal immunity to homologous and heterologous rotavirus infection. PLoS Pathog., 12 (4), April, 2016. (Rank: Q1, MICROBIOLOGY, IF=7.464; Citations≥159)
