4月 21 日的【午間科學與科技講壇】,感謝蘇南維老師的安排,邀請到臺大醫學院藥理學科暨研究所的魏子堂助理教授,針對黃豆中含量最豐富異黃酮之一的 genistein ,可以弱化大麻引發的血管發炎之效用,發表其研究成果。講題為:
「Cannabinoid receptor 1 antagonist genistein attenuates marijuana-induced vascular inflammation」
【演講時間】2023年4月21日 (週五)中午 12:15-13:20
【地點】農化新館 B10 教室
魏子堂博士於國立臺灣大學藥理學研究所取得博士學位。接著,在「科技部-博士後千里馬計畫」補助下,至美國史丹佛大學心血管中心-Dr. Joseph C. Wu實驗室從事博士後研究,其研究方向主要利用人類誘導多功能幹細胞和動物模型為平台,尋找疾病新穎治療標的和開發新藥。
Epidemiological studies reveal that marijuana increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD); however, little is known about the mechanism. Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), the psychoactive component of marijuana, binds to cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1/CNR1) in the vasculature and is implicated in CVD. A UK Biobank analysis found that cannabis was an risk factor for CVD. We found that marijuana smoking activated inflammatory cytokines implicated in CVD. In silico virtual screening identified genistein, a soybean isoflavone, as a putative CB1 antagonist. Human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells were used to model Δ9-THC-induced inflammation and oxidative stress via NF-kB signaling. Knockdown of the CB1 receptor with siRNA, CRISPR interference, and genistein attenuated the effects of Δ9-THC. In mice, genistein blocked Δ9-THC-induced endothelial dysfunction in wire myograph, reduced atherosclerotic plaque, and had minimal penetration of the central nervous system. Genistein is a CB1 antagonist that attenuates Δ9-THC-induced atherosclerosis.
國立臺灣大學生化科技系【午間科學與科技講壇】 敬邀